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Christmas Tree Dresses
This highly creative and fun workshop is perfect for anyone who already enjoys sewing by hand or those who would like to learn. During the workshop you will be able to create two individually unique and beautiful miniature dresses to hang on tiny handmade wire coat hangers and take home to use as decorations on your Christmas tree or display in your home all year round. Choose from an amazing selection of beautiful fabrics and inspiring trims to add detailing to your work of art, allow your imagination to run wild as your own creation is realised in miniature scale, pick up lots of useful sewing tips and improve your sewing skills. Leave with decorations to be proud of and, more importantly, the knowledge and a passion to continue your creative making skills.
All equipment, materials and light festive refreshments are provided. Please bring a face mask to wear.
Level: Beginners, aged 10+ to adult
Dates: Saturday 4th December, 2021
Time: 2.00 pm - 5.15 pm
Cost: £40
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